Information for authors

Texts should be sent in Word format, Times New Roman, font size 12 for text, 10 for footnotes, line spacing 1.5. Annexes and other supporting materials should be sent in pdf or jpg format, 300 dpi. Text length should not exceed 25-30 pages, approximately 15,000 words. Studies submitted to the editorial board must be accompanied by a title and an abstract in English (maximum 250 words) as well as five keywords relating to the content. The author should also send a short biographical note, including full name, institutional affiliation and email address.

The standard citation style used by the journal is based on footnotes, as follows:

For books:

Robert Gerwart, Cei învinşi. De ce nu s-a putut încheia Primul Război mondial, 1917-1923, translation Alexandru Țîrdea, Bucharest, Litera Publishing, 2017, p. 223.

Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Statistical Yearbook of Romania. 1922, Bucharest, Tipografia Curţii Regale F. Gobl şi Fii, 1923, p. 25.

For abbreviating works with more than one author, the second citation in the critical apparatus uses the formula et. al.: Victor Atanasiu et. al., op. cit.

– For edited books:

N. Iorga, Orizonturile mele. O viaţă de om aşa cum a fost, edited by Valeriu and Sanda Râpeanu, Bucharest, Minerva Publishing House, 1976, p. 691.

For book chapters:

Gheorghe Palade, “Contribution of the University of Iași to the training of the Bessarabian intelligentsia”, in Gheorghe Iacob, Alexandru Florin Platon (coordinators), History of the University of Iași, second edition, revised and added, Iași, Editura Universităţii ,,Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, 2014, p. 461.

– For articles/studies:

Gh. I. Florescu, “Political parties in the 1919 parliamentary elections”, in Anuarul Institutului de Istorie e Arheologie “A. D. Xenopol”, Iași, Tom IX, 1972, p. 313-331.

– For newspaper articles/weekly publication

Criticus, “If trains ran…”, in Opinia, year XV, no. 3549, 30 January 1919, p. 1.

For archival material indicate the location and title of the archives, the source according to the respective cataloguing system (archival fonds), the file and the page, according to the following model:

National Central Historical Archives (ANIC), Rosetti fund, file 94/1932-1934, p. 106.

National Archives of Iași (AN-Iași), Iași Municipal Hall fund, file 195/1919, p. 282.

Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (AMAE), 71/1920-1944, Transylvania fund, vol. 348, p. 309.

The National Archives of the UK (TNA), Foreign Office (FO) 371/96853, file 1015, paper 32.

– For Internet sources: the author’s surname and first name, the title of the document or full work (if accessible), followed by the Internet address, where available, then the access date.

– For successive mentions of a publication use op. cit. or Ibidem, following the model below:

1. Hans-Cristian Maner, op. cit. p. 28.

2. Ibidem, p. 32.

3. If the author is cited with more than one work, use op.cit. followed by the year of the cited publication or 2.3 words of the original title followed by ellipsis.

Titles from the most common foreign languages are not to be translated.

The city in which the journal/magazine was published is to be mentioned only in the case of unknown (or little known) journals.

For citations taken from other authors use apud.

                                                                                               The editorial board.